About Friends of Timberline
The incentive originated with a gentle complaint by a hotel guest in the mid 1970s who concluded the curtains in her room were “a bit shabby.” In reaction to that comment Richard Kohnstamm, Area Operator of Timberline Lodge, recruited civic leader John (Jack) Mills to help form a work group to look into restoration of the guest room and dining room textiles.
To reinforce a decades long arrangement and good working relations between the United States Forest Service, RLK and Company, and Friends of Timberline, the carefully assembled “2015 Partnership Statement of Principles and Practices” continues to serve as a trail map as we work together to meet the demands and conditions of our times.
Together these three entities pursue a shared mission to maintain the viability of the Timberline Lodge Complex, to preserve its historic structures, to meet our obligations to guests and the American people, and to reaffirm our respective responsibilities as stewards and organizational partners.
One of 154 national forests administered by the United States Forest Service (USFS), the Mount Hood National Forest is one of the most-visited National Forests and contains 170 developed recreation sites, including Timberline Lodge.
Zigzag Ranger District spans parts of the south and west side of Mount Hood and is comprised of 250,000 acres. The district manages 30 developed campgrounds, 3 ski areas including Timberline, over 300 miles of trails, 2 wilderness areas, and many special use permits.
Onsite at Timberline Lodge since 1955, R.L.K. and Company operates on a 1,419 acre special use area under a permit issued by the Mt. Hood National Forest, USDA Forest Service.
Richard L. Kohnstamm (1926-2006) will always be remembered as “the man who saved Timberline Lodge.” Still referred to as “Mr. K” even today, his life story and hard- earned successes are well documented. Dick had the ability to attract new friends and generate loyalty that spanned continents and lasted a lifetime.
R.L.K. and Company takes pride in its commitment to hospitality and guest services, hosting more than 2 million visitors from around the world each year.
Simply put here are the basics we pursue year in year out:
■ Pursue common goals with the United States Forest Service and R.L.K. and Company
■ Physical preservation and restoration project work
■ Fundraising via private donations and major grants for approved project work
■ Fundraising via membership dues and event revenue for daily operations
■ Public outreach and theme-based education across generations and communities
■ Documentation and archiving of Lodge history, use, art, artifacts and furnishings